The sermons on this site are not intended to replace your personal study of the Word of God! It is my prayer that the ideas and thoughts contained here will merely encourage your own thinking and lead you into a more deeper study of The Word Of God.
The sermons here are freely given to those who wish to use them for the glory of God. May they prove a blessing and a help in your work as a preacher of the inerrant, infallible Word of the living God!
I felt Lead of God to add The Sermon Outline page, for the purpose of educating and encouraging young preachers, empowering and enriching pastors etc., as well as refreshing and refueling discouraged preachers in their preaching ministry.
If you would like to partner with us in sharing The Sermon Outline Ministry, it would be an honor to help you share the Gospel.
If you would like to share sermons, sermon outlines, skeleton outlines, illustrations, to help Encourage other ministers, please contact me @
The Sermon Outline Ministry will only accept King James Version material.
My hope is that The Sermon Outline Ministry will become a place where we can all get the help and encouragement we need to continue the preaching ministry that God has called us to. Realizing and Trusting of course that God and His Word is the Only source of Encouragement we need.
You may use, copy, or distribute these outlines provided you do it free of charge. “Freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8b) We pray you will find The Sermon Outline Ministry will be suitable for sermon preparation, teaching, or your own personal study of God’s Word, and again The Sermon Outline Ministry is not intended to replace your personal study of the Word of God but merely encourage your own thinking and lead you into a more deeper study of The Word Of God.